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Required Pre-enrollment Discipline and Criminal History Review

Required Pre-enrollment Discipline and Criminal History Review

newbb电子平台致力于在安全的学习环境中为您提供出色的学生体验. As part of that commitment, 所有被录取的学生必须填写入学前要求的纪律和犯罪历史审查表,以表明他们是否:

  • 曾受到正式的纪律处分(包括例如, but not limited to, 在任何一所高中因学术或非学术原因被停学或开除, post-secondary institution, college or university);
  • 或被指控或被判有罪,但未被法院排除.

newbb电子平台的教育是关于成为最好的自己, and we want to create access, not barriers. A previous disciplinary action, charge or conviction, 不会自动取消申请人在newbb电子平台的入学资格, but will be reviewed. 该审查将独立于对您的入学学术资格的评估进行,并且只会与本科招生办或newbb电子平台的其他官员共享,他们需要知道作为审查过程的一部分.

所需的入学前纪律和犯罪历史审查表可在您的 MyOHIO Student Center. Log in using your activated OHIO ID and password. If you haven’t yet activated your OHIO ID, visit You will need your PID number and birthdate. Allow up to 24 hours for ID activation.

MyOHIO Student Center

在入学前的纪律和犯罪历史审查表中收集的信息一直是入学所必需的. 这些信息现在与入学申请分开收集.

Submission of the form is required by Ohio University, 你就不能参加newbb电子平台学生迎新会了, if applicable, or register for classes until the form has been completed, reviewed and cleared. 如果你对表格上的任何纪律或犯罪史问题回答“是”, we may ask you to provide additional information.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Who must complete this form?


Why is this form required?

While the information has always been required for enrollment, newbb电子平台在申请入学时不再收集这些信息. newbb电子平台不再在入学申请中收集这些信息,以确保申请人之前的纪律和犯罪历史不会被决定学术可接受性的审查员看到.


The collection of this information has always been required for enrollment; these questions have been separated from the application for admission.

Where is the form located?

所需的入学前纪律和犯罪历史审查表可在您的 MyOHIO Student Center. Log in using your activated OHIO ID and password. If you haven’t yet activated your OHIO ID, visit You will need your PID number and birthdate. Allow up to 24 hours for ID activation.


Yes, all undergraduate applicants must complete this form.


申请人将通过电子邮件收到要求填写所需的入学前纪律和犯罪历史表格, available online after admission in MyOHIO Student Center. The form is simple and quick to complete. 根据要求立即填写表格,以便有最大的时间进行处理和审查. The form must be completed, 在您有资格注册newbb电子平台学生培训(如果适用)或在任何newbb电子平台校园或通过College Credit Plus或Ohio Online完成课程注册之前,必须审查并清除注册. 您的回复将被审查,以确定是否需要进一步审查或补充信息. If your form is approved, 您将收到一封电子邮件通知,通知您有资格进行注册的下一步操作.


A previous disciplinary action, 指控或定罪不会自动取消申请人在newbb电子平台的入学资格, but will be reviewed. 如果我们要求您就任何肯定答复提供额外信息, you will receive specific instructions via email. 对纪律和犯罪历史问题的肯定回答以及您需要提交的任何其他信息将由一个小组进行评估, including staff from Undergraduate Admissions, the Division of Student Affairs, 法律事务办公室和newbb电子平台警察局, to evaluate potential risks posed to the University community. Please note: During peak processing seasons, this review process may take up to a month, so please respond to all requests for information immediately. In the majority of cases, 被录取的学生在经过额外的审查后被允许继续注册程序. 在评估小组确定了特定风险的情况下, 被录取学生的入学资格可以有一定的限制, terms or conditions. Occasionally, based on the risk assessment, 被录取的学生不允许注册,必须在以后重新申请. Upon conclusion of the review, 您将在邮件中收到一封关于您注册资格的信.


如果需要提供其他信息,本科招生部将与对学科问题回答“是”的被录取学生联系. 对犯罪史问题回答“是”的被录取学生将收到一份法律事务办公室的调查问卷.

What happens if the form is not completed?

未填写此表格的被录取学生将无法注册newbb电子平台学生入学(如果适用)或在任何newbb电子平台校园或通过College Credit Plus或Ohio Online完成课程注册.

Who has access to information provided in the form?

Responses are visible only to members of the review committee. Admissions application reviewers, 学术顾问和其他人员无法访问这些信息.